Drama Noir is a symphonic blackened death metal band, formed in 2017 in Corinth, Greece by Mephisto. With members coming and going as session musicians but with Yngve steady on drums, the band recorded and released the self-financed debut album “Princess Airam” in 2018 (reissued by Drakkar in 2020), “A Necromancy Lore” released in 2020 this time by the French Drakkar Productions and “Morna / Possenspiel”, a split EP with Morgenrothe, released also by Drakkar.
Drama Noir signed a deal with the Greek label Floga Records, and the 3rd full-length album “Nightfall upon the Asylum” was released on the 3rd of May 2023.
Guitars, bass recorded at Mephisto studio by Mephisto
Orchestral arrangements at Mephisto studio by Mephisto
Drums recorded at Made In Hell studio by David Prudent
Vocals recorded at SoundAbuse
Productions by Psychon
Mixing and mastering by Psychon at SoundAbuse Productions
Artwork and layout design by Graphic No Jutsu
Logo by Nikos Tsiolis
Artworks Photos by Georgina Staikou Photography
All music by Mephisto except “Nightfall upon the Asylum” by Vampyrpriest & “Nightfall upon the Asylum” by Tenevris.
Lyrics by Apostolos Oroklos and Tenevris
Guest vocals on “284 Green Street Avenue” by Sakis Prekas (W.E.B.)
1. Intro
2. 284 Green Street Avenue
3. Risen to Avenge
4. Vultu Tenebrarum
5. Blood Wedding
6. Shepherd of the Lost
7. The Quest of the Unknown Kaddath
8. The Ghost Ship
9. Nightfall Upon the Asylum